Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Final Portfolio for Digital Photography 1

I chose this picture because this is one of my best edited photos. I also chose this image because It looks like it would be on a magazine; and I made it!!! I like the cool colors too. Here's the camera settings. The ISO is 200. The F stop is 5.6. The Shutter speed is 1/4 s. The focal length is 55mm. The thing I was trying to say about the world with this image is that you gotta work for something that you like to accomplish it.
I chose this image because I personally think this is the best picture I've ever taken in my life.. so far. I also love this cat to death!! I also think it's pretty cool because I copied the fence, and erased the shed that used to cover part of the background. I cannot get any camera settings info, I am sorry. The thing I was trying to say about the world is that the outside is a beautiful place and it goes by fast.
I chose this image because I think this is my most creative, and funny photos I think I've ever made! I also chose it because I think it's a nice photo in general, except the blurred little person. The ISO is 640. The F stop is 5.6. The shutter speed is 1/30 s. The Focal length is 18-55@35mm. The message I was trying to get to the world about this image is that don't let people play with your life; stand up for yourself!
I Chose this image because It makes me think of a summer day. It reminds me of my childhood when I used to play out in the yard. I like nature so I decided to get the image of leaves. The ISO is 64. The F Stop is 2.4. The Shutter speed is 1/310 s. The focal length is 4.3mm. The message I was trying to get to the world about this image is that life is fun!
I chose this image because it makes me think of when I used to take walks in the rain. The rain is relaxing. There's nothing more to say.The ISO is 64. The F stop is 2.4. The focal length is 4.3mm. The shutter speed is 1/120 s. The message I was trying to get to the world about this image is that life is rough and if a mans gonna make it he's gotta be tough.

Flash Fiction.

I am the new girl, depressed from bullies, one day I went to school on a misty, cloudy day. Normal routine; Unpack supplies and pay attention. The one thing I forgot, to turn my phone off. While I was studying in my literature book, these bullies come up. They started to spit on my stuff and rip pages from my notebook and crumbled them up. Eventually, I got annoyed of it and sad of it, so I got up, and asked the teacher to please make them stop. I sat back down, and the bullies went back to their seats. Ten minutes later, the bullies started calling me names. So, after five minutes of taking name calling, I got up, picked up my book, and threw it at the main bully leader. Then, I ditched the class and ran out the front doors of the school. Meanwhile, in the classroom and leaving everyone in shock, the teacher calls the office. Right after I burst out the front door, I gotten phone call from a restricted number. I answered with a scared, shy “hello?” A man with a booming, deep voice answers back, “Is this Bonnie?” I said “Yes, who is this?” He says back, “I will be waiting for you at your bus stop. Go to the large black van.” I replied, “Who is this? I demand you to tell me!” The strange hung man up. While I was still running, I heard change in my pocket that has been clinking together for 2 minutes straight. I was starting to tired by now; I found an alley in an unknown neighborhood. I then thought about the call from the strange man. I looked across the street, and saw a speeding black van with very dark tinted windows. I put my hands over my face. I started sobbing. I’m all thinking “Why?! Why does this have to happen to me!?” I took my wet hands off my face. I looked at them; they’re all wet and covered with make-up from her face. I got up, and started walking to a gas station. I came up behind the back of the gas station. I looked at the door; the door was covered with green slimy grime. I checked to see if any was on me. Of course, it was on my shoes. I went and rubbed it off on some nearby grass when suddenly I heard a loud noise, sounding like a diesel truck. I slowly walked around the grime to peep around the front. I saw two mean-looking, middle-aged men in the front seat of a long black van. Both men got out of the van and walked into the mini store. I concentrated on the van. Soon, I heard some cracking, and the van was shaking. The side door broke sort of, and out jumped a woman. She was running desperately towards me. She was yelling, “GO! GO! GO!” So I decided to run with her, and realized it was my mom.

Artist's Statement.

My personal philosophy behind creating art is that I see art of a way of expressing yourself, or accomplishments. What pretty much inspired me to be an artist is looking at pictures of drawings on Google of random things. So I decided to try and draw them. My grandest goals as an artist were being able to look at a person and draw them, editing pictures in Adobe Photoshop really good, and finding great angles to take pictures and good scenarios.

How I make my art is I try to have people look deeply into one emotion. While things in the background are very calm, or hectic! The process I used was modeling and photo editing. I will admit that this was difficult. I think my creative process is gradually growing because the more ideas of others pop into my head and I manipulate it into something of my own.